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GameWay Conditions

General    Prices & Payment    Delivery    Cancellation    Guarantee    Complaint    


Is given by consumer law a warranty for 24 months on all products. The warranty means that you as a customer can complain about the deficiencies of product which has occurred 24 months after purchase. However, it is a prerequisite to these defects are not caused by your incorrect use of the product or other injurious behavior that has led to shortages. You must claim within a reasonable time after you have found the defect. If you complain within 2 months are always considered as being timely. We will refund reasonable freight costs that you may have in connection with returning the product when the claim is justified.

When you wish to complain about a product must be returned to us at our address:

Lemvigvej 67
7620 Lemvig

Email address: salg@GameWay.dk