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GameWay Conditions

General    Prices & Payment    Delivery    Cancellation    Guarantee    Complaint    

Privacy Policy
There are not used cookies to track Dig.

Traffic Analysis
There used traffic analysis for not updating our databases when there's visit.
There are not used log statistics

For that you can ship goods from GameWay you need to register yourself with the following personal Information

· Name
· Address
· Zip code. and City
· Country
· Email address
· Telephone number

Personal information registered with GameWay.

When collecting personal information, we ensure that it always happens when submitting your express consent, so that you are informed of exactly what information is collected and why.

The following groups of employees have access to the recorded information:

· management
· sales and marketing
· administration and bookkeeping

We store customer information in a protected database where the above have access to. We do not send client information over the Internet.